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Finding a Balance Between Natural Sunlight and Indoor Lighting

The summer is a beautiful time of year, but it’s also hot. The long sunny days fill your home with bright, natural light, but they cause heat to seep through the windows. This means you have to find a balance between bringing in natural sunlight and keeping the room cool. Fortunately, modern lighting offers solutions that allow you to combine sunshine with electric lights. This way, you get both natural lighting and cool comfort indoors.

Use LED Lights

LED lights are much cooler than incandescent lights and won’t heat your house. Whether you use them in central light fixtures or nearby task lighting, LED bulbs allow you to maximize the use of lighting without adding
heat to the room.

Use Task Lighting

It makes sense to use natural light during the summer. After all, it can light up an entire room, and it’s free. Unfortunately, with natural sunlight, the room can be sweltering hot by midday.

You can reduce this heat by using window treatments during the hottest hours of the day. Close the curtains, completely or partially, or lower the blinds. You might also use a window film to block the heat from UV rays.

However, window treatments reduce the amount of light in the room. To fix that, rely on task lighting indoors to give you just the right amount of light you need without having to illuminate an entire room.

Use Dimmers to Make Use of Both Natural and Indoor Lights

Dimmer switches offer you three advantages during the summer. First, they allow you to use only the amount of light you need in a room. Second, they enable you to mix natural light with indoor lighting to save energy. Third, dimmed lights set a mood and help you wind down after being in bright sunlight all day.

When you have to draw the curtains because the room is too hot from the sun, try combining natural and artificial light. Draw the curtains partially closed to keep out the heat, and supply just the right amount of indoor light using a dimmer switch.

Let in Early Morning and Late Afternoon Sunshine

For many people, a primary goal of the summer is to enjoy all the advantages of sunlight while avoiding the negatives. Adjust your lighting needs depending on the time of day helps you do this. The early morning and late afternoon sun offer plenty of light without much heat.

Make the Most of Your Lighting This Summer

Indoor lights can be personalized to meet your needs throughout the day. If you need to repair, replace, or upgrade your lighting call us at Ambition Electric in Lincoln, NE to schedule an appointment.

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